Task 1. Insert the missing word or phrase.
1) A single person, a representative of the human race – is man.
2) Personality - a concept developed to reflect the nature of a person, consider it as a social and cultural life, define it as a carrier of an individual beginning, self-revealing in contexts of social relations, communication and activity. “Personality” can be understood either as a human individual as a subject of relations and conscious activity («face» — in the broad sense of the word), or a stable system of socially significant traits characterizing an individual as a member of this or that society or community.
3) A person can be capable and ingenious, and can be _ and gray (inexpressive), attractive and _, self-sacrificing, heroic and _ and suspicious, good-natured, loving, honest and _, _, manic, sly.
4) In the 20s-40s of the 20th century E. Krechmer conducted an extensive empirical study consisting of two stages. First, based on a set of dimensions of body parts, he identified four constitutional types:
• _ - a frail build, tall, flat chest, long face, narrow shoulders, long legs. In asthenic, these properties are expressed in an extreme degree.
• _- small or medium height, round head on a short neck, large fullness, protruding belly.
• _ - tall or medium height, strong build, well-developed muscles, narrow hips, prominent facial bones.
• _ - shapeless, irregular body structure with impaired proportions (wide hips for men or too tall, etc.).
5) On the basis of observations of patients, E. Krechmer suggested that people with a healthy psyche also have in their behavior and mental makeup some features characteristic of the sick, but only less pronounced. On the basis of this hypothesis, he singled out and described three types of temperament:
_- leptosomatic physique, closed (with elements of autism), stubborn, uncritical, prone to abstract thinking, has difficulty in communicating with people, often there are fluctuations in emotions from irritability to dryness, in general, poorly adapted to the environment.
• _ is in many respects the opposite of Shizotimic. It has a picnic physique, emotions fluctuate between joy and sorrow, it easily contacts people, it has realistic views on life.
• _ (from the Greek. ixos - stingy) has an athletic body, calm, unimpressive, restrained in gestures and facial expressions. It is difficult to adapt to changes in the environment, inflexible and petty.
1) In parallel with Krechmer’s work of in the 40s in the USA, W. Sheldon created his constitutional typology. The advantages of his approach consisted, firstly, in the fact that he did not come from pathology, but worked with healthy people; secondly, it was sent not from ready-made types, but derived the types themselves from the results of mass anthropometric measurements and their subsequent statistical processing using correlation analysis. As a result, three extreme body types (somatotypes) were identified:
• _ type - large and well-developed internal organs, large abdomen, soft rounded forms, flaccid limbs, undeveloped muscles and bones.
• _ type - broad shoulders and chest, well-developed muscles and skeleton, lack of subcutaneous fat, great physical stability and strength.
• _ type - a relatively weak development of internal organs and body height, long and thin limbs, an elongated face and high forehead, the brain and nervous system are well developed.
1) 2) The questions of the moral formation of the personality, at different times, interested many scholarly researchers. There are many papers on this topic and many different theories. One of the most famous among them is Professor Harvard University Lawrence Kolberg’s work. In the middle of his professional career he became fascinated with the problems of moral education and created the work that made him famous«_».

маринчик18   ·   02.04.2020 14:22
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