Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий или инфинитив. 1. we expect great difficulties in (deliver) the last lot of goods. 2. they insist on (discuss) this matter at the next meeting 3. the seller guarantees (correct) all the defects within a week. 4. i look forward to (see) you on friday. 5. we were not satisfied with the service they provided, so we refused (pay) them. 6. try to ask mrs. jenkins for help. she usually doesn’t mind (deal) with difficult customers. 7. when she finished (speak) she asked if anyone had any questions. 8. our profits are up this year, so i expect my boss (give) me a pay rise. 9. would you mind (ring) me back later today? 10. our british partners agreed (offer) us a 6% discount if we increased our order.

КотейкаМи   ·   19.06.2019 00:30
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