Сделать ? define the meaning of may, might. translate the sentences into russian. 1. she murmured that he might stay if he wished. 2. "may i escort you home? " he said. 3. he may have forgotten about your appointment or he may have come. 4. may you never outlive your feelings! 5. i tried to calm him so that we might come to something rational. 6. "were you afraid that i might have found the truth by coming here? " demanded vivien. 7. he said that you might have hurt me, that door's very heavy. 8. it might well have been longer had matthew not picked up a flu at school. 9. for all you know he may be a happily married man. 10. if he knew the facts he might tell us what to do. 11. you might at least get better marks in english.

Дейлионна   ·   18.06.2019 22:40
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