Match the paragraphs (1-5) to the headings (a-f). there is one extra heading: a. children and tenagers b. shopping for women c. expensive isn’t always best d. the easy way out e. don’t waste time f. the wrong gift choosing the right gift 1. imagine spending all this time, money and effort in choosing the perfect gift for your friend and as soon as she sees it, the disappointment she feels is so great that no degree of politeness on her part can hide her reaction! you’ll probably feel quite embarrassed, and she is likely to feel quite awkward too, because of her reaction! well, there are certain things you can do to avoid such embarrassment. 2. to begin with, it is said that mothers, sisters, girlfriends, daughters and so on are more difficult to shop for, so do a little research before making your choice of gift. pay attention to what the girl or lady you want to buy a gift for usually buys for herself. think of her hobbies and interests or ask her to describe some of the best gifts she’ ever received. these should lead you towards a good choice. 3. next, come the young generation. buying a gift fao a toddler or a child is as easy as choosing somethng for your adolescent friend or relative. after all, kids need toys and clothes while teens are happy with cds or a pair of friendly jeans, right? not necessarily! the little ones usually end up with too many topys or clothes, and teens go through so many mood swings and changes that you never know what makes them happy. again, just ask what they’d like! 4. of course, choosing the right present doesn’t have to be so stressful. what matters is not the amount of money that goes into your gift but whether your choice reflects your feelings for the person who receives it. buying a pricey stereo or piece of jewellery may not be fully appreciated if they are just displays of wealth rather than throughtfulness. 5. naturally, there will be times when you simply don’t know what to choose. if that’s the case, the simplest way to avoid giving the wrong present or worrying too much about what to choose is giving the wrong present or worrying too much about what to choose is a gift certificate or something more general, like a big bunch of flowers or a nice box of chocolates. presents like that are most often welcome, so you can’t really go wrong!

Макас122   ·   18.06.2019 02:10
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