Заполните пропуски с предлогами . 1. new york is a big streets full people and cars. 2. kiev ways. 3.this place is famous it's parks. 4.you can the museum bus. you should get the next slop. the bus stop is over the street. 5. "when will you paris? " "some time the middle june. i'll go ." 6.1 buy a newspaper my station and read it the train. by the time i i've read most it. 7. he was a week and that week his wife never left his side. 8. "what's (he matter) you? what did the doctor tell you? " i've just my mother's condition has -worse." 9. when you see her call the shop your way the. 10. they found the robber. 11 the teacher wasn't pleased the pupils' answers.

лунтик56   ·   18.06.2019 02:10
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