1. choose the correct form of the verbs when again, a)will see, won't recognize b) will see, not recognize c)see, won't recognize d)see, will not recognize . 2. complete the sentence with appropriate modal verb : whatever you do, that switch. it's dangerous. a)don't have to b)mustn't c)needn't d)shouln't 3.choose the rifht variant: i in the soup. prhaps a)much, much b)many, much c)a lot of, much d)plenty of, much 4.complete the sentence: why are you looking under the bed? have you lost ? a)any b)something c)some d)anything 5.choose the rifht variant: the cinema was almost empty. there were very people there a)few b)a few c)little d)a little 6.choose the corect form of the verbs: the swimming pool at 9.00 and at 18.30 every day a)is opening, is closing b)open, close c)opens, closes d)has opened, has closed 7.choose the right conjunction: can you look after my flowers i am out? a)until b)while c)as soom as d)when 8.choose the right variant: i wish my larger a)to be b)was c)were d) will be 9.insert the correct preposition: i congratulated passing the exam. a)on b)about c)for d)of 10.choose the right variant: i don'. it's not important to me. a)care of b)care for c)care about d)care with

Айка123411   ·   17.06.2019 21:50
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