Пож. перевести без переводчика! i really am very sorry i haven't answered your letter sooner. please, forgive me. i know i'm a bad letter writer. i enjoy your letters very much, so don't give up on me. at the moment we are getting ready for christmas. a lot of my relatives are coming to visit us over christmas. it is going to be pretty awful. my elder sister and her husband are coming to stay. they are bringing their children with them. the boy is about six months old and the girl is two. the boy cries non-stop, and the girl always wants something. next week i wiil be very busy cleaning my room and shopping for christmas presents. i still don't know what i'll buy for my parents but i already know what i'll get for my niece. she has a sweet tooth. ft's really cold and windy here at the moment it never seems to stop raining do write soon, please.

01029283736463637   ·   17.06.2019 18:00
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