Перепишите предложения, заменяя формы действительного залога на формы страдательного. обращайте внимание на то, в каком времени употреблен глагол. образец: in a command economy the government makes all decisions about production and consumption. – > in a command economy all decisions about production and consumption are made by the government. 1. the government made all resources allocation decisions in the soviet union. 2. prices regulate consumption and production in a market economy. 3. in a mixed economy the government does not entirely regulate exchange of goods. 4. the economists are monitoring the prices and levels of consumption of different goods and services. 5. economics analyses society's production and consumption levels. 6. the company has made a decision to start producing new machines. 7. economists had studied and discussed the ideas of karl marx for over sixty years before russians put them into life. 8. if we allocate enough resources to agriculture, we will achieve a high level of production.

Sashka15081   ·   11.06.2019 14:20
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