Задайте к тексту вопросы(не менее 8).обратите внимание на употребление глаголов в вопросительных предложениях, выбор которых зависит от времени сказуемого. the young man was going to marry a beautiful girl. one day the girl said him that the next day she would celebrate her birthday and invited him to her birthday party. the young man was eager to make her a present, so he went to a gift shop. there he saw many beautiful things. of all the things he particulary liked the vases. but they were very expensive, and as he had very little money he had to leave the shop without buying anything. making for the door he suddenly heard a noise: one of the vases fell on the floor and broke to pieces. a brilliant idea came to his mind. he came up to the counter and asked the salesman to wrap up the broken vase he wanted to buy. the salesman got a little surprised but did what the young man had asked him to do. the young man took the parcel and went straight to the girl’s place. by the time he entered the room the guests had already gathered. everybody was enjoying the party. some of the people were dancing, other were talking, joking and laughing. saying “many happy returns of the day”, the young man told the girl that he had bought a small present for her. with these words he began to unwrap the parcel. suddenly he got pale and said “i am afraid, i’ve broken it. there were so many people in the bus…” but when he unwrapped the parcel, he saw that the salesman had wrapped up each piece of the vase separately.

Danilka22842   ·   09.06.2019 03:40
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