12 fill in the missing questions, then, in pairs! read out the dialogue. a: 1) …………………………………………? b: my name is linda richardson. a: 2) …………………………………………? b: i'm twenty years old. a: 3) …………………………………………? b: i'm a student at bournemouth university. a: 4) …………………………………………? b: we live in a big house near the town centre. a: 5) …………………………………………? ? b: there are six of us in our family. a: 6) …………………………………………? b: my mother's name is judy and my father's name is david. key a: 7) …………………………………………? b: my father is a dentist. a: 8) …………………………………………? b: he is kind and generous. a: 9) …………………………………………? b: my mother is a teacher. a: 10) …………………………………………? b: she's short and slim with long hair and blue eyes. a: 11) …………………………………………? b: yes, i have got one brother and two sisters. a. 12) …………………………………………? в: i like reading and watching tv in my free time. a: 13) …………………………………………? b: no. i don't like playing sports in my free time.

Дмитрий111111112222   ·   03.06.2019 00:40
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