Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующем времени. 1.by the time the firemen (arrive), the house (be) ablaze from top to bottom, but it (be) clear that if someone (give) the alarm earlier, they might (stand) a chance of (save) the building. 2. i wish you (tell) me last week that you (come) to london. if i (know) in time, you not (have to) stay in a hotel. 3.why you not (tell) me you (can) lend me the money? i not (need) (borrow) it form the bank. 4. the driver said he not (can) (undergo) thorough testing before (be) joined the competition. 5. it's time we (go). if we not (leave) now, we (miss) the last train. 6. (be) you cut off while i (talk) to you just now? you (be)? i think something must (go) wrong with the telephone. 7.the manager (talk) to an important customer at the moment but he (be) free (see) you presently. (like) you (take) a seat for a few minutes? 8.i know i ought (write) to you before, but i (be) so busy recently that i not (have) time for (write) letters, i (telephone) you instead, but i (forget) your number. 9. when i last (see) him, (live) in london. he (tell) me then that he (think) of (emigrate) to australia, and he may well (do) so by now. 10. i (be) very excited at the prospect of (go) (ski). it (be) the first time i (try). i think there's nothing like (ski) for (make) a holiday enjoyable. 11. i wish you (let) me (know) you not (be able) to come to dinner. i certainly not (go) to all this trouble if i (know). 12. he said he not (want) (see) the firm as he (hear) that it (be) not as good as the critics (suggest).

kuzminskamarina   ·   03.06.2019 00:40
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