6 Complete the dialogue with phrases from the box. Use capital letters where necessary. A: What are you doing?
B: Looking for things we can use for the recycling project. I think this project's really good. don't think you should not sure about that suppose so true but great idea think so, too you're right
A: 1° don't agree. I think it's a waste of time. It's much easier to go out and buy something new.
A: No, of course not. Maybe 3 B: I Every time we burn rubbish or build a rubbish mountain we're polluting the planet. We must reduce the amount of rubbish.
A: That's 2 B: Yes, it is. Do you want your children to live in a polluted world? got any paint I could use? B: There's lots of paint over there.
A: You can' But will it really help the planet? B: Of course it will if everyone does it. A: 14 have you got anything I can have?
B: So you want to help now? Okay, what about this wooden box. You could make it into a container for flowers with a little bit of paint.
A: That's a 5
B: Your mum will love it.
A: 10 Okay, Have you You've got all the colours of the rainbow.
B: I could do something with this bicycle wheel.
A: I'm B |º do anything too difficult. We haven't got much time. What could you make with it?
B: 10 I could use it to hang cooking pots and pans on and then hang it from the kitchen ceiling.
A: It might work. /10

uchikha2016   ·   23.05.2023 02:15
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