НАЙТИ ОШИБКИ В ПИСЬМЕ!! Exercise 8. Here are three extracts from letters that break some rules.
1.Decide what is wrong with each one and underline any mistakes or faults.

1)I noticed your advertisement in the Daily Planet and I would be grateful if you could send me further information about your products. My company is considering subcontracting some of its office services and I believe that you may be able to supply us with a suitable service. Looking forward to hearing form you.
2)Thank you very much for you letter of 15 January, which we received today. In answer to your enquiry we have pleasure in enclosing an information pack, giving full details of our services. If you would like any further information, do please contact me by phone or in writing and I will be pleased to help. I hope that our services will be of interest to you and I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,
3)There are a number of queries that I would like to raise about your products and would be grateful if you could ask a representative to get in touch with me with a view to discussing these queries and hopefully placing an order if the queries are satisfactorily answered.

egorsh1   ·   16.06.2021 22:03
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