You can see two apples in the plate. Don't take this one, take ... .
a) another
b) the other
c) other
She heard the note of angry exasperation but didn't let ... take ... pleasure from the fact that she could still provoke ... emotion.
a) herself, any, some
b) her, some, any
c) herself, any, any
In the Second World War, ... people did not use petrol in ... cars.
a) some, theirs
b) some, their
c) any, their
... of ... these things will make you happy at last?
a) What, all
b) What, every
c) Which, all
There were two brothers. One of ... drank coffee, ... drank only tea.
a) they, other
b) themselves, another
c) them, the other
You thought I was a thief, and I thought you were a gentleman, and we ... were mistaken.
a) the both
b) boths
c) both
Mr. Jacobs had a servant ... was very stupid.
а) who
b) what
c) which
Soon the time had come for Sam to go to university in ... part of the country to study to be an engineer.
a) other
b) another
c) the another
... unconscionable loans threaten our economy and free enterprise.
a) Such
b) The such
c) Suches
... countries have big rivers, and ... turn turbines and make electricity more cheaply.
a) Other, this
b) The other, these
c) Other, these
Tom promised ... one thing: he's going to sell ... television set.
a) hiself, our
b) himself, our
c) himself, ours
The cost of basic foods is lower in the United States than in ... major industrial nation.
a) any other
b) some other
c) any another
People abuse the rights of ... forfeit ... own rights.
a) who, others, their
b) which, the others, theirs
c) who, anothers, their
«I also found ... papers,» she said quietly, not mentioning where … papers had been found.
a) others, these others
b) other, those other
c) another, those another
I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard; I see there is only one piece there. Where is ... ?
a) another
b) the other
c) other
What is the name of the young man ... luggage disappeared in the airport?
a) whose
b) which
c) who
In the evenings my father reads ... newspaper.
a) the all
b) whole
c) the whole
... of the jerseys suite ... .
a) None, me
b) Not one, myself
c) No, me
Mrs. Green asked if ... could translate the article into Japanese.
a) either of ourselves
b) either of us
c) anybody of us
I would have done ... in life for ... .
a) anything, her
b) nothing, herself
c) anything, hers
I hope you will excuse ... . My friend here and ... would be so much obliged if you would tell the truth.
а) ourselves, I
b) ours, me
c) us, myself.
What will they do with ... when they leave school?
a) themselves
b) they
c) themself
They looked at ... and understood everything.
a) each another
b) one other
c) each other
A friend of ... came last week to stay with ... .
a) me, myself
b) mine, me
c) my, I
It means that I can make ... head ... tail of it.
a) neither, nor
b) either, or
c) neither, or
There are a lot of peaches on the table. This one is not good, so take ... peach.
a) the other
b) the another
c) another
Don't touch these things! They are ... .
a) my
b) mine
c) mines
... employed people in the United States should receive free health insurance.
a) All
b) Each
c) Any
«I have never done it before.» - ... .
a) «Neither have I.»
b) «Not me.»
c) «Nor me.»
We must have ... here ... we can trust.
a) someone, who
b) someone, whom
c) anyone, whom
Mr. Smith used to work in London, but later he and his wife moved to ... city.
a) the other
b) other
c) another
The article you are looking for is on … .
a) the page 70
b) the page 70th
c) page 70th
d) page 70

aliceoliver443   ·   23.05.2021 00:57
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