Complete these dialogues, using one, another, other, the other, others or the others. 1 A: Do you like this writer?
B: I'm not sure. I really enjoyed one of her books but I haven't enjoyed any ofbooks she's written.

2 A: Have you been to anycities in Britain apart from London?
B: Yes, on myvisit to this country last year, I went to Birmingham.

3 A: Are you on your own?
B: Yes, but are on their way. They'll be here soon.

4 A: Is the company you work for big?
B: It has two main officesoffice is in Lisbon andis in Paris

5 A: Can we make a decision now?
B: No, I think we should have discussion about the subject later.

slyusarevqaowko3q   ·   17.04.2021 20:03
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