Прочитайте текст. Подберите части предложений 1-5 для заполнения пропусков А-D. Одна из частей предложения в списке 1–5 – лишняя. Animal stories that teach
Aesop’s fables are animal stories that were told in Greece almost 2,500 years ago. These are stories about animals or birds A. Each of these stories tells us a useful truth about everyday life. These truths are called “morals.”
One of Aesop’s fables is about a greedy dog:
A dog had a piece of meat in his mouth and was carrying it home. On the way the dog looked into a pond and saw his own reflection. It looked like another dog with a second piece of meat. “Why should he eat such good meat?” thought the dog. “I want that piece too.”
The dog opened his mouth to grab the other piece of meat, and his piece dropped into the water and disappeared. When the greedy dog saw the meat disappear, B.
The moral of this fable is “Be careful, or you may lose what you have by grabbing for what isn’t there.”
Here is another fable, about a fox:
Strolling through the woods one day, a fox saw a juicy bunch of grapes C. “Just the thing for a thirsty fox,” he said to himself.
The fox jumped as high as he could, but he could not reach the grapes. He tried again and again. Each time he just missed the tasty-looking fruit.
“Oh, well,” he thought. “Those grapes are probably sour anyway.” And he went away without the grapes.
The term “sour grapes” comes from Aesop’s fable about the fox. It refers to the attitude some people show D.
1. hanging from a high vine
2. that he thought was his
3. he put his tail between his legs and slunk away
4. when they sneer at something that they can’t have
5. that speak and act like people

pro100pakp01iyt   ·   17.04.2021 19:42
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