1. Jessica
(believe) every word
2. He
(understand) Italian
(wish) we could go home now.
4. Right now you
(not listen) to
5. Maggie
(hate) bugs.
6. We
(not agree) on this one.
(dislike) eating fish
8. Monkeys
(like) bananas.
9. These monkeys
(eat) bananas now
10. This diet
(consist) of mainly fruit and

1. Our book
(include) stories and exercises
2. They
(remember) what happened.
3. We
(need) a longer rope.
4. You
(not deserve) it.
(play) golf at the moment?
6. This
(not concern) us at the
(love) you.
8. She
(feel) she's not good enough.
9. Our cakes
(not contain) any gluten
10. They
(jog) now.​

Zzzzzzzzz1111   ·   16.04.2021 19:43
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