A rich man once asked a great painter to paint a small picture for him. Next day the painter came and brought him the small picture.“In is a beautiful picture”, said the rich man. “How much do you want for it?” “One thousand dollars,” answered the painter.

“One thousand dollars for such a small picture?” cried the rich man. “You painted it in one day and you want one thousand dollars for one day’s work?”

“Yes, I painted it in one day, but I worked thirty years in order to learn how to paint it in one day,” answered the painter.

I. Find the correct word:

1. A rich man asked a great painter to paint ….

a) a small picture b) a dog c) his friend

2. Next day the painter brought him …

a) money b) the picture c) many nice pictures

3. The price of the picture was … thousand dollars.

a) 10 b) 5 c) 1

4. The rich man cried that the picture was …

a) expensive b) cheap c) bad

5. The painter worked … years in order to learn how to paint in one day.

a) 50 b) 30 c) 10

II. right and wrong statements:

1. A rich man asked his friend to paint a small picture.

2. In a year the painter brought him the picture.

3. The rich man liked the picture.

4. The painter said that he wanted 1 thousand dollars for the picture.

5. The painter painted the picture in one day.

6. The rich man gave the painter 1 thousand dollars.

7. The painter worked 30 years in order to learn how to paint a picture in one day.

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certus   ·   19.03.2021 08:50
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