We didn't believe a lot of the stories about Nessie, but we (11) (laugh) a lot and (12)
(have) a great time.
Did you have a good weekend? I hope so!
Lots of love,
11 Read and write. Be a grammar detective!
Past simple tense
We use the past simple tense to talk about events in the past. All persons are the same.
• To make the past simple tense of regular verbs, we add -ed e. g. look → looked.
For regular verbs that end in e we add de. g. live → lived.
For regular verbs that end in y we change y toi and and add ed e. g. try → tried.
- For regular verbs that end in consonant, vowel, consonant, we double the final
consonant e. g. stop stopped.
Some verbs are irregular and you need to learn these e. g. go → went, have → had.
orro at

We didn't believe a lot of the stories about Nessie, but we (11) (laugh) a lot and (12)(have) a grea

frolovbogdan122   ·   19.02.2021 12:59
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