Нужно поставить вместо точек форму глагола to be 1 They ...engineers. 2 She ...a good srudent. 3. These ...my books. They ...on the chair. 4 This ...an office. 5 Where ...your students? 6 These men ...not bad engineers. 7 What colour ...his pen? It ...blue. 8 What page ...this? It ...page eight. 9 I ...not an economist. I ...an engineer. 10 Who ...at the office? 11 Who ...they? They ...my friends. 12 What colour ...the desks at aour office? 13 What ...your friends? They ...engineers. 14 That ...his name? His name ...Sokolov. 15 Where ...the telexes? They ...under my book.

asim2001   ·   16.01.2021 19:38
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