Me: Me:
1. Jenny: Sarah loves chocolate.
2. Jenny: I can't play the piano.
3. Jenny: Catherine is English
4. Jenny: She isn't coming to the party.
5. Jenny: Lucy will come early tomorrow.
6. Jenny: I have to study this weekend.
7. Jenny: Dan lives in Madrid.
8. Jenny: She doesn't have any brothers or sisters.
9. Jenny: I've been to Mexico.
10. Jenny: I'm going home now.
11. Jenny: I didn't pass the exam.
12. Jenny: She hasn't brought her laptop
13. Jenny: David is living in Mumbai.
14. Jenny: I won't have a cake just now.
15. Jenny: I'm not an engineer.
16. Jenny: John went to the lecture yesterday.
17. Jenny: I'm studying Spanish at the moment.
18. Jenny: I'd like a cup of coffee.
19. Jenny: John wouldn't drive in the snow.
20. Jenny: Emma can speak French.

atlantisatlantp07ft0   ·   15.01.2021 20:12
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