1 I'd like (build) my own PC and prove to my parents that I'm smart. 2 He can't stand (wash) the floor when his mother asks him to help with the housework

3 When I see some biscuits on the table, I can't help (eat) all of them at once.

4 Kevin generally spends three hours a day (play) computer games.

5 Sarah isn't very good at (remember) dates of her friends' birthdays.

6 I don't mind (sleep) on the couch or on the floor when my friends invite me to a sleepover.

7 I hate (be) late for class.

8 After a long working day, my mum doesn't usually feel like (help) me with my homework.

9 My brother doesn't let me (take) his electric guitar while he's away.

10 I'm so sorry, I didn't mean (offend) you

ХЕЛП209   ·   27.11.2020 19:37
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