Complete the text with the past simple or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

I(1) hadn't left my small Scottish village before I (2)... (arrive) in Germany last week.
I(3)... (read) a lot of travel books
and my grandmother (4)...
(tell) us a lot of things about the country before she
died, but the place isn't exactly as I had imagined it. It's better! I (5) (not realize) that it was so green and I (6) (not expect) the people to be
so friendly. Everyone helps me when I try to speak German and they all want to practise
speaking English with me too.
|(7)... (not like) languages when
I was at school but since I (8)(come) here I want to learn more. Travelling is great fun!​

niaz167361   ·   20.11.2020 13:26
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