Total 1) WRITING
Choose ONE topic and write an article
Topic 1. Your school magazine is organising a competition for best articles among uchool
learners You have to write an article about latest scientific news. Your article should include the
following information
- what exactly has happened,
The place where it occurred,
its potential effects/results.
Tapic 2. Your school magazine is organising a competition for best articles among school
learners You have to write an article about a deadly natural disaster Your article should include
the following information
*the type of a natural disaster and its description
the place where & occurred,
the description of its consequences
Writing Task 2
Answer the following questions
1. Do you like science? Why?
2. How will science change the world in the next 100 years?
3 What has science dane for humankind?
Total 191​

wertuos1234   ·   28.10.2020 09:39
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