Read the text. Distinguish Fact from Opinion. Two of the statements below present facts, which can be proved. The other statement is an opinion, which expresses someone’s thoughts or beliefs. Label the statements F for fact and O for opinion. 1. . Ice carves are often sculptors of chefs.
2. . An ice carving is more elegant than a snow sculpture.
3. At some ice carving contests, teams make massive sculptures from 25 blocks of ice.

Ice carving and snow sculpturing are sports as well as arts. The Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada hosts contests in these sports each winter. The region is a perfect site for these events. It has long cold winters and ample snowfall. The sculptures are works of art.
Ice carving is an art. Ice sculptures range from massive monuments to small decorations. The artists who make them may be sculptors or chefs. But ice carving is also a sport. Contests may last for days. Teams of two or more people sculpt blocks of ice the size of large suitcases. At some contests, a team works on one block of ice. At other contests, a team may create a sculpture from 25 blocks of ice.
The art of snow sculpturing attracts sculptors who normally work with other materials. They enjoy working with snow because they can make massive forms in a short time. In contests, teams of three or four people sculpt one large snow block. The blocks may be the size of a small room. They may weigh 35 tons. These contests last for two to five days. Artists work day and night to finish on time. Once completed, the snow sculptures are displayed. The sculptures remain on view as long as the cold weather lasts. [3]

DerekHale23   ·   28.10.2020 09:39
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