Complete the sentences with one of the expressions: 1. ‘Do you still play tennis?’ ‘Not regularly. Just when I have time.’
2. This is a pretty relaxed place to work. There aren’t many.’
3. Here you are at last! I’ve been so worried! Thank goodness you’ve arrived___.
4. ‘ Do you like your new job?’ ‘. The money’s o. k, but I don’t like the people.’
5. Sometimes there are too many people in the house. I go into the garden for a bit of .
6. Good evening,. It gives me great pleasure to talk to you all tonight.
7. ‘How’s your Gran?’ ‘. There are good days then not such good days.’
8. ‘Here’s supper. Careful! It’s hot.’ ‘! Yummy!

3класс49   ·   25.10.2020 11:51
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