Книга "Собака Баскервилей". Требуется ответить на (11,12,16,17) вопросы на английском (желательно получить ответы на все вопросы) 1. Who visited Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson one day? 2. What did Dr Mortimer tell them about Sir Hugo Baskerville? (что он был убит огромной черной собакой однажды ночью на болотах в Девоне в 1640 году) 3. Who died recently, apparently because of a weak heart? 4. What did Dr. Mortimer notice that wasn’t close to the body? 5. Whom did Dr Mortimer return with the following morning? 6. Why did Watson arrange to accompany Sir Henry? (сэр Генри получил записку, предупреждающую его, не ехать в Баскервиль Холл) 7. Where did Watson meet Stapleton? 8. What was Stapleton? 9. Who secretly warned Watson to leave and why? 10. Did Sir Henry fall in love with Stapleton’s sister? 11. Whom did Sir Henry and Watson see one night? What was he doing? 12. What did Watson and Sir Henry do when they saw the convict? Did he escape? What did they hear? 13. Did Watson or Holmes learn that Sir Charles had died while he was waiting for a lady called Laura Lyons? 14. What did Holmes reveal? Who did Laura Lyons hope to marry? 15. Whose body was found on the ground? 16. Where were Holmes and Watson waiting for Sir Henry? 17. What happened to Sir Henry while he was walking home? Who shot the dog? 18. What happened to Stapleton on his way to an island? 19. Who was Sir Henry’s cousin? 20. Why was Stapleton interested in the deaths of Sir Charles and Sir Henry?

Robchik   ·   23.08.2020 00:29
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