Express your point of view on your career opportunities orally and in writing form.

What are you going to do when you leave the school? What are you going to choose as a career? Why?

Start like this:

After leaving my school I would like to study at one of the universities. I simply can’t tell you what I am going to study yet. Well, I have thought of becoming… (a teacher of). My parents share/ do not share this idea, they want me to become… (a doctor). They may be right, because a… (doctor’s) work is more respected and acknowledged in a society. But I am not really persuaded by them saying that I would earn more money and I would have a better life as… (a doctor). This job is simply not for me. I would rather choose… (teaching) than… (medicine) as a career. I have no doubts about the poor financial prospects, but, you know, money is not everything. It is much more important for me to do something I really love.

vul654   ·   24.05.2020 16:14
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