Преобразуйте слова
Yesterday I made a presentation at
my geography lesson. It was about Russia.
Everyone, even our teacher 1)- it a lot.
The presentation wasn’t long but it had
a lot of interesting information. I started by
saying that Russia has the 2)- territory
in the word. I spoke about mountains, rivers
and lakes. Then I told them about big cities,
beautiful nature and wild animals: foxes, hares,
bears and 3) - . While I was talking,
everyone 4) - very attentively. When
I 5) - , all my classmates thanked me for
The wonderful report. I felt very happy.
I am very proud of 6) - country and helped
me to present it so well

Сами слова

ДиDi15   ·   23.05.2020 16:01
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