I have (1) ever/never been to South Africa but I would love to go there. It's got everything you can imagine. There are great (2) lakes/deserts that have no water and temperatures of 40° centigrade. They are some of the (3) hotter/hottest places in the world! Then there are the (4) beaches/forests that are full of giant trees and strange animals. But most of all, i'd love to go to Kenya in East Africa. I (5) have/has read that this is the best place for safaris. I've (6) saw/seen elephants and lions in the zoo but it's (7) more interesting/most interesting to see them in the wild. I know it's more dangerous (8) that/than seeing them in the zoo, but that doesn't worry me. I've never been afraid of animals.

cat159753jjyfvb   ·   18.05.2020 15:58
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