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Yuri Gagarin was the first cosmonaut in the world. Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was
born on the 9th of March, 1934. He was born in the village of Klushino in the Smolensk region.
Yura was an active, brave and curious boy. His father was jack of all trades and helped his son when Yura made toy planes by hand. But the war began, Yuri Gagarin and his mother, father, brother and sister left their house and had to live in a dug – out.
After the war Gagarin’s family moved to Gzhatsk. Now it is Town Gagarin. It was named after the first cosmonaut.
In 1951 Gagarin graduated from a vocational school in Lyubertsy near Moscow. Yuri Gagarin attended an aero club and began to fly when he was a student of a technical secondary school in Saratov. In 1955 he entered a school for pilots. Then he became a pilot and joined the first group of cosmonauts. In 1960 Gagarin began to prepare for the flight into space.
On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin flew into space and spent 108 minutes there. It was the first time in history that the Russian spaceship “Vostok” with the man on board was in space.

порядок слов в во модель. was или were + подлежащее + второстепенные члены
2 модель. did + подлежащее + глагол в 1 форме + второстепенные

skachkov1562   ·   18.05.2020 09:18
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