2 Match the headings to the texts about bowler hats.
Where they are from
How to wear your hat
What they represent
The bowler hats that Bolivian women wear are quite small, so they
wear them on top of their heads, but not all women wear them in the
same way. Married women wear their hat in the middle of the head,
but single women and women whose husbands have died wear their
hat on the side of their head.
Bowler hats are made from wool, and come in lots of different colours.
For a long time they came to Bolivia from Italy, but now they are made
in Bolivia itself.
In the twentieth century, as in many parts of the world, young women
began to stop wearing the bowler hats and traditional clothing. In
recent years though they have become popular again and are an
important symbol of pride in the culture and traditions of Bolivia.​

Marksensei   ·   12.05.2020 16:30
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