Choose the correct prepositions. - Do you go to school ….. foot? - No, It isn’t near our house. It takes me 25 minutes to go there ….. bus.

(Баллов: 1)

A) by, by

B) by, on

C) on, by

D) on, with

E) on, on

2. Choose the correct word. Travelling by …………. is the fastest way to get to somewhere around a big town.

(Баллов: 1)

A) ferry

B) foot

C) plane

D) underground

E) bus

3.Make up a dialogue. 1. I always go to school on foot. It’s near our house. 2. What is your favourite transport? 3. Of course, my father bought it last year. 4. How do you go to school? 5. Have you got a bicycle? 6. A bicycle is my favourite one.

(Баллов: 1)

A) 2,1,4,6,5,3

B) 4,1,2,6,5,3

C) 5,6,2,3,4,1

D) 4,3,2,1,5,6

E) 4,6,5,1,2,3

4.Choose the correct answer to the given question. How often do your grandparents visit you?

(Баллов: 1)

A) My grandparents often visit us.

B) I often visit my grandparents.

C) My grandparents like travelling by train.

D) I like visiting my grandparents.

E) My grandmother likes visiting us.

5.Match the halves. 1. A ferry … a. has got wings. 2. A bicycle … b. can sail. 3. A plane … c. has got two wheels.

(Баллов: 1)

A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b

B) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c

C) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a

D) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c

E) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

6.Unscramble the words and odd one out.

(Баллов: 1)

A) itanr

B) ryefr

C) igwn

D) ylcecib

E) nlepa

7.Put the words in the correct order. travelling / like / with / I / my friends

(Баллов: 1)

A) Travelling with my friends I like.

B) I like travelling with my friends.

C) With my friends I like travelling.

D) I travelling with my friends like.

E) I like with my friends travelling.

8.Read the definition and choose the correct word: This transport has got four wheels. It carries people around towns and cities.

(Баллов: 1)

A) ferry

B) plane

C) wheel

D) bus

E) train

9.Choose the correct question to the given sentence. I like travelling by train because it’s the most comfortable transport.

(Баллов: 1)

A) Why do you like travelling by train?

B) What kinds of transport do you know?

C) Do you often return home by train?

D) Does your brother go to work by train?

E) How do you go to school?

10.Read the passage and answer the question. Steve likes travelling. He often travels with his family and friends. He loves to travel by sea. Because it’s slow and he can see interesting places. What is Steve’s favourite transport?

(Баллов: 1)

A) plane

B) car

C) underground

D) transport

E) ferry

87373747373873   ·   08.05.2020 19:22
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