Task 1. Choose the correct sentence (Выберите правильное

предложение и запишите цифру и букву ответа)

1. a) She left a square, leather, striped bag

b) She left a leather, striped, square bag

c) She left a square, striped, leather bag.

2. a) They bought a plain, rectangular, wooden table

b) They bought a rectangular, plain, wooden table

c) They bought a wooden, rectangular, plain table.

3. a) He is trying on cotton, polka-dot shorts

b) He is trying on polka-dot, cotton shorts.

4. a)I bought an oval, rectangular, silver picture frame

b) I bought a silver, rectangular, oval picture frame

c) I bought a rectangular, silver, oval picture frame;

Task 2. Use the Present Perfect Continuous (Постройте предложения в

Present Perfect Continuous)

1. They (not look) for him since Saturday.

2. George (collect) stamps since he left school.

3. You (ring) her up all morning?

4. I (study) English for 5 years.

5. They (not build) a house for 3 years.

6. Mr. Green (repair) his car for 2 days.

7. How long she (live) here?

Task 3. Choose the correct item ( Выберите правильный ответ: Present

Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous запишите цифру и букву ответа)

1. They’ve been….all day

a) talked b) talking

2. She’s already….to my house

a) being b)been

3. Have you been…today?

a) swum b)swimming

4. I’ve just…that new film

a) seen b)seeing

Task 4. Choose the correct verb form (Выберите правильную форму

глагола. Запишите только цифру и букву ответа)

1. How long _ in Paris?

a) has she been living b) does she live c) did she live

2. Tom _ as a postman for a month.

a) worked b) has been working c) has working

3. He is tired because he _ around London all day.

a) has travelled b) have been travelling c) has been travelling

4. I _ football since I was 6 years old.

a) have been playing b) have playing c) playing

5. You look tired. What _?

a) you have been doing b) have you doing c) have you been doing

Task 5. Choose Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous for each

situation (Выберите для каждой ситуации правильное время Present

Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous(Обратите внимание на тип

предложения(утвердительное, отрицательное или во Переведите предложения в Present Perfect Continuous)

1. Моя мама убирает квартиру с утра.

2. Дедушка смотрит телевизор с 6 часов.

3. Она пишет это письмо весь день.

4. Они делают домашнее задание целый вечер.
5.Она читает книгу с утра​

Bazzaevat   ·   07.05.2020 18:27
Ответов: 1 Показать ответы 7 Обсудить

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