4. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, Present Continuous or the Past Simple.(употребить в правильной форме)

1. My little sister (1) ….. (drink) a glass of milk every morning.
2. My mother usually (2) ….. (cook) for the family, but today (3) ….. (be) her birthday, so I (4)….. (plan) a special dinner for everybody.
3. (5)….. (you / bake) a pie for Easter last week?
4. Samon (6) ….. (not / like) spicy food.
5. We (7)….. (have) dinner at the restaurant yesterday.
6. She always (8)….. (do) the shopping on Sunday but today she (9) ….. (stay) at home because she (10)….. (not / feel) very well.
7. Where (11)….. (you / travel) last summer? – I (12)….. (go) to France.
8. Where (13) ….. (he / go)? - He (14) ….. (go) to visit his friend.
9. (15) (Matt / come) ….. to school yesterday? – No, he (16)….. because he (17)….. ill.
Ребят что бы быстро!Буду рад!

elenagorodan   ·   20.04.2020 15:46
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