The British writer Sir Arthur Co
historical novels to adventur
Holmes that brought him fame
than fifty languages and
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)
riter Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote different kinds of books,
to adventure stories, but it was his detective stories about She
ought him fame. Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into
de into plays, films, radio and television series, a m
dy, a ballet, cartoons, comic books and advertisements.
ur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh. Doyle's mother, Mary, was inte
ture and encouraged her son to explore the world of books. She was a very
eller. In his autobiography Conan Doyle wrote, “The stories that my mothe
when I was a child stand out more powerfully than the real facts of my life.'
Doyle was educated at a boarding school and studied at Edinburgh University.
lified as a doctor in 1885. After graduation Doyle practiced medicine as
specialist until 1891, when he became a full-time writer.
Doyle's first novel about Holmes, 'A Study in Scarlet', was published in 188
story was written in three weeks in 1886. It introduced the detective, Sherlock F
and Dr. Watson the narrator Holmes's abilities hondon on the cu
in literatur

котбутерьрод   ·   15.04.2020 16:22
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