II variant
1. If I ___ (be) you, I ___ (follow) your aunt’s
2. If I ___ (have) a lot of money, I ___ (buy) a
new car.
3. If the weather ___ (be) nice tomorrow, we ___
(go) to the beach.
4. If your parents ___ (not come) yesterday, we
___ (go) to the countryside.
5. Plants ___ (die) if you ___ (not water) them.
6. If you ___ (ask) me, I ___ (help) you with the
gardening yesterday.
7. If Tom ___ (come) home early tonight, he ___
(have) time for reading.
8. If ice ___ (heat), it ___ (melt).
9. If he ___ (take) a map with him when he went
to the countryside, he ___ (not get) lost.
10. If she ___ (finish) her work soon, we ___ (go)
for a walk.
11. If I ___ (know) it was your birthday, I ___
(buy) you a present.

fifa48   ·   14.04.2020 12:23
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