Fill in the gaps with one of the words: thunder, storm, forecast, frost, tornado, freezing, climate, boiling. Write down 4 words with a comma (,). There are four words you do not need.

Примечание: Запишите четыре слова (без цифр) через запятую. Все слова должны начинаться с маленькой буквы. Точку в конце ставить не нужно.

Example answer: thunder, storm, forecast, frost

1) In England in winter it is sometimes absolutely _.

2) I couldn’t sleep because the _ was so loud.

3) I wouldn’t like a job outside in the summer when it’s _ hot.

4) When I woke up this morning the ground was covered with _.

ДмитрийРазумный   ·   16.03.2020 13:03
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