We're in istanbul! we've only been here for since
24 hours but we've done so many things 2 for / since
we arrived. we have got / got to our hotel at
6 o'clock yesterday evening. after unpacking,
we have been / went straight to a classical music
concert, which was / has been incredible.
the musicians have been / were so talented.
17 haven't heard / didn't hear anything so beautiful
for years.
we 8 have left / left the hotel at 10 o'clock and we
9've been / were very busy 10 for / since then! in the
morning, we "have visited / visited istanbul modern -
it's a brilliant art gallery. then after lunch, we
12 have crossed / crossed the bosphorus on a ferry to
visit the asian side of the city. dad 13 wanted / has wanted
to paint the view of the european side! we haven't eaten
14 since / for lunchtime. i'm really hungry! time for supper!
bye for now,

NastyaVelly   ·   04.02.2020 05:27
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