Народ перевести ничего не выходит i am oleh kryvoshapko. and l am at our school hobby fair today. we can learn a lot about likes and interests of our schoolchildren here. the pupil of the 5 from petro doroshenko has got an unusual collection. he collection rocks. rocks are beautiful says petro. some of them have pretty colours. my smallest rock is the most interesting. it is from the pacific ocean. boris ivanchuk the pupil of the 8 from has an interesting hobby cartoon animation. his new cartoon is called pencil man. making pencil man is a lot of work he says. the cartoon has got 2000 drawings. each one is just a little different. i use my camera to take a picture of each drawing. in the film the pictures move very quickly. that's why pencil man looks like he is moving. borys is going to show his pencil man at school on tuesday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. don't miss the show.

danilli02   ·   26.05.2019 12:10
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