Сomplete the text with the correct form of the words on the right.

слова для текста: mean, important, know, found, complete, follow, independent, become, look, see, start, various, famous, popular, see, poor.

nairobi, which "the place of cool waters", is the capital of kenya and the city in east africa. nairobi also as the "green city in the sun". it in 1899. the city was burned sown in the early 1900s. the fire, it was totally rebuilt. nairobi became kenya's capital after from britain in 1963, and quickly a magnet for people from all over the country. at websites about nairobi today, you that it is a good point for a safari. home to a great 12 of african wild life, the and 14 of nairobi national park is international. however, there is another side to the city: if you visited certain areas, you 15 how many people live in there.

Pomogite20000p   ·   21.12.2019 19:07
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