summer holidays are always fun.
we enjoy having a good time together
i spent my summer holidays in the
country house with my family in early
july. i had a good time at the seaside
with my friends. we took watermelon
and fruit for a picnic. we enjoyed sunbathing and
at the end of july i went to my uncle s
full of green grass, flowers and i spent all time
ass, flowers and i spent all time in nature. 1 es
looking after farm animals with my uncle. on hot
picked flowers and mushrooms with my cousins.
we took some bottles of clean water and some juice
thing and playing beach volleyball there.
incle's place in the village. everywhere was
oh my uncle. on hot days we walked to the forest,
i and some juice. the water in the rivers
ome children drank water from pipes in the village.
it was good camping in a tent near the river.
the evenings were amazing there. we made a fire on the bank
cooked fish, had interesting talks and jokes. at the weekends my
i went swimming, fishing and boating. samir, my elder cousin, never jom
he spends his free time in front of tv or a computer, so he often gets the
it is not interesting to be in the city in summer. do you agree with me?

переводите это​

Совушка09   ·   26.09.2019 21:35
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