What do you want? you don't know what do i want? i don't get it. he thought i'm a mistress. why does he wanna marry me? you're so sensitive. mrs ji. mr can you help me get rid of the rumor first? what did you call me? oh? mrs ji you just call me mr ji? husband ji. your husband is here. what did he make me touch! this freak is so sick! jump. send. ahya! ok done! ? how long do you think it will take. mrs ji? ok. now it's time to examine the goods. examine what? bed skills. we have to do it before beng friends. er. mr ji. shall we be friends first? marriage is a big matter! really wanna escape. but what about the rumor? besides i did break his luxury car. he's prevailing either way. don't wanna be filial girl now? you're not worried they'll be criticized? i do. 30

soynova89   ·   09.08.2019 23:45
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