Написать письмо! your friend is going to the usa to stay for a year in a host family with 5 children. as she has no siblings, she is afraid of the problems than may arise.

MrRobik   ·   11.07.2019 08:35
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1) подберите к выделенным в тексте словам определения из списка 1-10unscripted, were broadcast, dates, bizarre, outcome, voting, recruit, outrageous, deliberate, villains 1. has a...
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Выберите правильную форму слова. as you british education has many different faces but one purpose. a)have just had read b) just read c) have just read. составьте предложения. 1.a...
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Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткий ответ. 1. - dog little? - 2. - dogs little? - 3. - cat got a kitten? - 4. - like to play with jack`s dog? - 5. - boys` aunt live...
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