Perceive it, but the positive story is that the diversity ofbritain's culture meansthere is something for everybody. as well as differences by nationality, manyactivities also appeal more todifferent age groups than others. choose the right variant.1. why are certain countries interested in britain's cultural heritage? a) they have their own history; b) they have common history; c) they have their own ancestry.2. according to the texta) each nation of the world has unique customs; b) nations share one common culture; c) nations do not accept other cultures.3. according to the texta) other nations will find something they will like in british culture; b) it is impossible for other nations to find something they will like inbritish culture; c) other nations will not find anything they will like in british culture. ii. listeningthea-4​

BalKA13   ·   16.05.2019 05:20
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