Card № 12 fill in the blank with the appropriate article: 1. neva flows into gulf of finland. 2. pacific ocean is very deep. 3. urals are not very high. 4. kazbek is highest peak of caucasus. 5. alps are covered with snow. 6. shetland islands are situated to north of great britain. 7. usa is largest country in america. 8. crimea is washed by black sea. 9. lake baikal is deepest lake in world. 10. paris is capital of france. 11. lomonosov was born in small village on shore of white sea. 12. gogol was born in ukraine in 1809. 13. caucasus separates black sea from caspian sea. 14. europe and america are separated by atlantic ocean. 15. baltic sea is stormy in winter. 16. there are many small islands in pacific ocean. 17. north sea separates british isles from europe. 18. balkans are old mountains. 19. nile flows across north-eastern part of africa to mediterranean sea. 20. whichare russia?

marina4010   ·   14.05.2019 18:15
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