Заполните пробелы сравнительной или превосходной формой прилагательных в скобках, добавив необходимые слова. a: what do you think of this dress. julia? b: it's lovely. it's 1) (nice) of all you've tried on yet. a: yes, but i prefer short dresses. b: well, it's true that this dress is (long) the blue one, but it's also (elegant) a: yes, but it's (xpensive) dress we've seen so far. b: i know. the blue one is much 5) ), but it doesn't look as good as the black one. a: oh! i can't decide. what time is it? b: it's only 6 o'clock. we've got plenty of time. a: really! i thought it was (late) that. b: why don't we go to another shop? a: no, i've decided. i like the black dress (good). it's (expensive), but it doesn't matter. b: ok. let's go and pay for it

kovalenko7659   ·   17.04.2019 00:21
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