Нужна с степени сравнения прилагательных. выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков. 5. their flat is than ours. a. more large b. larger c. the larger 6. the situation is than i thought. a. more b. bad c. badder d. worse 7. i think i am seriously ill. today i feel i felt yesterday. a. worse b. the worst c. as bad as 8. richard and timothy don't know many people at the party. lionel and david know a. more b. the most c. as many 9. we'd like to buy a new house, but new houses than older ones. a. much more expensive b. the most expensive c. expensive 10. who among your friends? a. the oldest b. older c. as old 11. the more you forget. so why study? a. more b. the most c. the more 12. this building is very high. actually it' in the town. a. more higher b. the highest c. higher 13. they've got money than they need. a. less b. the least c. little 14. they've got money than they need. a. less b. the least c. little 15. a microscope is one of inventions in the history. a. the much important b. the most important c. the more important

АзизОсманов   ·   16.04.2019 23:00
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