Поставить глаголы в правильную фому! ! when i came into the room, i (see) doctor spencer. he (examine) my father who still (lie) on the floor with a broken leg. the doctor (say) he never (see) such a serious case and that he (have to) call an ambulance. when it (arrive), the ambulance men (take) my father to hospital. doc spencer (tell) me that i (can) (stay) with his family till my father (come) back home. but i (prefer) to stay at home and wait for my father. in the morning the ambulance men (bring) my father back. they (carry) himin and (lay) him on the bed. soon doc spencer (arrive) to take a look at the patient. “(not wake) him till evening. he (need) a good sleep. and when (be) the last time you (have) something to eat, my dear boy? ” he (ask) me. i not (eat) anything since the night before. the doc (take) out a parcel from his car and (give) it to me. “my wife (say) that you (enjoy) it. she (be) a terrific cook! just try it! ” then he (get) into his car and (drive) off. in the room i (open) the doctor’s present and (see) the most delicious cake i ever (taste) in all my life.

ВКГ1   ·   04.04.2019 09:52
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