Перевод не нужен complete the following situations, using 'be to’. model: i can't go to the cinema with you. (be at the hospital at five). i am to be at the hospital at five. 1. he won't be present at the meeting tomorrow. (take his examination in english) 2. i had to leave for kiev quite unexpectedly, my mother was very ill. (my assistant, continue my work) 3. you needn't start writing the article at once. (but, hand it in next friday) 4. we'll have to get up early. (leave at 6: 30) 5. we were expecting him in kiev. (join us, on our trip) 6. we didn't want to start the discussion of the book without him. (say a few words about the author) 7. they went there by different roads. (but, meet at the lake, on the same day) 8. don't let the child watch this film on tv (children, not see such films)

strakh1991   ·   02.10.2019 19:10
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